Autoimmune Disease: The Hidden Epidemic
There have been nearly 100 Autoimmune illnesses identified over the last few decades, with occurrences surpassing heart disease and cancer. This lecture focuses on how the overuse of antibiotics has made harmful bacteria smarter and stronger, and how our toxic environment has contributed to one of the fastest growing epidemics in centuries.
At the end of this course, participants should be able to:
1. Understand the pathology of how antibiotics effect the immune system.
2. Understand the role mercury plays in Autoimmune disorders.
3. Know the dangers of early antibiotic and toxic exposure to children’s minds and bodies.
4. Have an insight into managing the symptoms of chronic illness
INSTRUCTOR: Louisa Williams, DC, ND
AGD Subject Code: 024
CE Credits: 1.5
Course Length: 1hr 23min